Liver Disease/Abnormal Liver Blood Tests Services Archives - Dorset Digestion Clinic

Mildly abnormal liver function tests or raised liver enzymes that can be picked up via a simple blood test are a not uncommon finding in the population. Whilst this can signify a relatively common condition simple fatty liver, we have the knowledge and expertise to perform a fully comprehensive chronic liver screen to exclude other possible diagnoses. We can offer you a consultation to discuss the likely cause of your abnormal liver blood tests, discuss your symptoms (if any) and advise on appropriate management, including targeting lifestyle changes if appropriate.

Many people feel that certain foods aggravate their digestion. Whilst in some instances the cause may be due to an easily defined medical condition such as coeliac disease, in other instances the association may be less obvious.

Sally and Elizabeth can offer individual consultation relating to your specific concerns along with advising on appropriate investigations when necessary.

These include hydrogen breath testing (for lactose intolerance) and a general food allergy screen (and onward referral if appropriate for skin prick testing or more specific food allergy testing)

Bleeding from the bottom or back passage is often a result of a straight forward simple condition such as haemorrhoids. However, it can be the first sign of something more serious. We can offer consultation, appropriate investigations and management advice.

There is a National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in Dorset covering people between the ages of 55 to 75 years of age (age extension down from 60 to 55 is on going during 2021/2022). If you are within the age group you will be invited to participate in the programme every other year. If you are outside this age range or in between invitations, if you have bowel symptoms that cause you or your doctor concern or you have a family history of bowel cancer, we can offer you a consultation to discuss your symptoms, advise on your individual risk and if appropriate arrange investigation.

Coeliac disease is a relatively common condition affecting approximately 1-2% of the population. People with coeliac disease have an intolerance to gluten which is a protein found in certain foods such as wheat, barley, rye and oats. This intolerance causes damage to the lining of the small bowel if gluten containing foods are eaten resulting in a range of symptoms. Coeliac disease can be accurately diagnosed or excluded via gastroscopy and small bowel biopsy. In other circumstances a simple blood test may be sufficient. Elizabeth and Sally can also offer specialist advice with people living with coeliac disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease primarily encompasses the conditions ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. People with these lifelong conditions can present with a wide range of gastrointestinal symptoms. Commonly these symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhoea and rectal bleeding. If you are concerned that you may be suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, we have the knowledge and expertise to offer a thorough consultation and diagnostic service. The idea of having a lifelong condition and the wide-range of possible treatments on offer can be daunting. Sally and Elizabeth can offer you individual advice and expertise in a relaxed environment to manage your symptoms with the aim of improving your quality of life.

Irritable bowel syndrome is an extremely common but sometimes debilitating condition. People with irritable bowel syndrome typically have abdominal pains or discomfort associated with a variable bowel habit such as constipation or diarrhoea, or a combination of the two. If your symptoms are particularly troublesome or persistent, we can offer you a consultation with appropriate investigations on an individual basis to exclude other diagnoses. We pride ourselves in offering holistic management including lifestyle, diet, medications and alternative therapies.

Many people will experience indigestion and/or reflux symptoms from time to time. If your symptoms are particularly troublesome or persistent, we can offer you a consultation to discuss lifestyle measures as well as advice on investigations and medication as appropriate.

These are standard investigations frequently used by gastroenterologists to visualize the internal lining of your upper or lower digestive tract. They can help diagnose the cause of your symptoms as well as exclude serious diseases.

In some circumstances treatment procedures can be performed via the endoscope. This includes the removal of polyps and the dilatation (stretching) of the digestive tract. Elizabeth and Sally offer expertise in the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic GI endoscopic procedures.

Our Services

GI Endoscopy
These are standard investigations frequently used by gastroenterologists to visualize the internal lining of your upper or lower digestive tract. They can help diagnose the cause of...

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Indigestion/Reflux Symptoms
Many people will experience indigestion and/or reflux symptoms from time to time. If your symptoms are particularly troublesome or persistent, we can offer you a consultation...

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Irritable bowel syndrome is an extremely common but sometimes debilitating condition. People with irritable bowel syndrome typically have abdominal pains or discomfort...

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease primarily encompasses the conditions ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. People with these lifelong conditions can present with a wide range of...

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Coeliac Disease
Coeliac disease is a relatively common condition affecting approximately 1-2% of the population. People with coeliac disease have an intolerance to gluten which is a protein...

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Concerns or Family History of Bowel Cancer
There is a National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in Dorset covering people between the ages of 60 to 75 years of age. If you are...

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Rectal Bleeding
Bleeding from the bottom or back passage is often a result of a straight forward simple condition such as haemorrhoids. However, it can be the first sign of something more...

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Dietary Intolerances
Many people feel that certain foods aggravate their digestion. Whilst in some instances the cause may be due to an easily defined medical condition such as coeliac disease, in other...

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Liver Disease/Abnormal Liver Blood Tests
Mildly abnormal liver function tests or raised liver enzymes that can be picked up via a simple blood test are a not uncommon finding in the population. Whilst this can signify...

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